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Gold Clay Products

With gold metal clay, working with the precious metal has never been easier. Sculpt, form or mold your next work of art with PMC gold. After firing many of our products become 22k.

We at cool tools offer many affordable products to add a touch of the sun to your artwork.

22k Gold Aura

This embellishment can be painted onto fired or un-fired fine silver clay. This product requires no special equipment aside form a paintbrush. Painting this onto your jewelry is easy and ideal for all versions of PMC and metal clay.

Accent Gold for Silver

Use to add 24k gold accents to silver, copper and silver alloys. You, the artist, can co-fire with a hand-held butane torch or small jewelry kiln.

Accent Rose Gold for Silver

Used to add Rose Gold to your silver works of jewelry art. This product is applied as a past, dried, fired, and finished. Easy to follow instructions are included.

Gold Foil Sheet

This heavy 23.5k foil is used in the Korean art of applying gold foil to silver or other metals called Keum-Boo. A wealth of information can be found in the book Keum-Boo on Silver.

Why not 24k for jewelry?

For those who are new to jewelry making process the term 24k is 100% gold. What dose 22k mean? We can do the math 22*100/24 = 91.66666. Where doses the other 8.4% go? Gold in its natural form is very soft. This makes it non-practical for much of the jewelry world. The other portion of 22k gold is used to add strength. This 8.4% can consist of other metals such as nickel, zinc or silver.